
6 pm come soooooooon!

So here I am sitting in office on a Saturday and wondering what to do…. I don’t mind sitting here though, everybody is so relaxed and nobody ever works, or maybe they do work, only it doesn’t seem like that. It’s actually quiet and peaceful; I guess everybody is pretending to work… like me. I have a huge list in my head about the things I want to do tomorrow, and going to the library tops that list. I just finished reading “Circle of Friends” by Maeve Binchy and I loved it. It’s a story about two girls who grow up together in a convent school and when its time to go to university in the big town of Dublin, they discover gradually that they can depend on each other and their convent school upbringing to see them through the trying times. It was beautifully written, and it struck so close to home.
I picked up another M&B book along with this Binchy book and I am going to return it tomorrow without bothering to complete it. I read the first few pages and I wanted to find that author and ask her if they actually paid her money to write crap like this. I don’t know how such books get published…. Anyway, I could do better by picking up a comic book next time; at least they don’t assault the senses.
A few funny quotes I collected over the week…..

“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A man of great common sense and good taste – meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage.
George Bernard Shaw

All my life affection has been showered upon me, and every forward step I have made has been taken in spite of it.
George Bernard Shaw

Americans adore me and will go on adoring me until I say something nice about them.
George Bernard Shaw

An asylum for the sane would be empty in America.
George Bernard Shaw

I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would be an affront to your intelligence.
George Bernard Shaw

I’m an atheist and I thank God for it.
George Bernard Shaw

When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not.”
Mark Twain

0 thoughts on “6 pm come soooooooon!”

  1. hey karen u want some really good reading material? u should start getting interested in works of conspiracy theorists. u get ur decent mix of fact and fiction. its far better than mnb and also much more interactive. im currently reading a book the biggest secret by david icke. what he posists is we’re ruled by a superior race of martians and interstellar reptillian beings who posses human bodies. on the whole his ideas seem very ridiculous, but he does present some very interesting points to note. like how all the major religions of the world originate from the same region in a place called sumer. and how the studies of the structure of about 1800000 types of trees all follow a smilar pattern of what u find in this same region. and this was the place tat was first uncovered after the great flood of noah (although his reason for the flood greatly differs from the story we read in the bible). so basically he says the world as we know it today started there. this book should keep u entertained for a few days and dependin on ur belief system a few years even. i mean these books are good if u know how to just take the meat and leave out the bones yea. im gonna read bout a vatican conspiracy theory next and ill keep u posted k.

    and hey add this to ur list of quotes if ur gonna get with readin bout these guys. its an infamous line tat will always appear at some point in one form or another.

    “The hoax was possibly caused by the Vatican and Opus Dei as part of broad agenda with the CIA and The Pentagon, to help in the
    competition of Religious Conversion and Global Empire.” – Conspiracy Theorists worldwide

  2. anonymous, ur kidding right?? go get a life.

    kavidey some women authors eally have no sense, whether its M&B o not. im redin this book caled still water by tami hoag. bout a murdr that takes place in a small town. since its written by a woman, there has to be a romantic angle. the sheriff, instead of searchin for the murderer, is busy making out with main suspect. all because of ‘chemistry’ i mean come on!!!! i cn write better books.

  3. megha, i ave a life at least i dont go around reading books where the main character is a pseudo detective who has a higher sex drive than an eye for inspection. u know wat they say.. maybe he has an eye for the finer things in life!
    but ull be the one crying when i know the turht and you dont

  4. a pseudo detective who has a higher sex drive than an eye for inspection is anytime more believable than reptiles ruling the world. dude, get real. u must be a complete dufus to read that. at least have the guts to post with name

  5. u must be a complete total bimbo who loves to sit down painting her nails and reading some chick book. and must be totally out of sync with urself to have to ignore wat really matters. i dont need guts to post with name just an umblical cord.

  6. ha ha. really, man! is that all u have to say? i’m sure u bought the only copy that the book sold. the book must be called biggest secret of the biggest loser.

  7. awww, come on now. no need for harshness. kavi meets these people the same way u meet kavi. and i can show u how she meets them if u like 😉

  8. guys be nice to each other…

    Ryan, I am actually waiting to read a book titled ‘Jesus lived in India’. This guy at work was telling me about it… apparently Jesus came to Kashmir and died an old man. After I am done with that I shall check out this martian/reptillian race book by David Icke. When I am done reading books like this, I will finally be able to say, “I’m an atheist and I thank God for it.”

    Megh’s, if only Tami Hoag could meet David Icke… they would weave a totally mindblowing story, which I am sure Pushpak will love and start raving about it.

    you guys are going to get me into trouble one of these days…

  9. hey jude :D, dont blv everything u read. people who post anonymously are crazy fools who dont know wat they talk bout.

    kavidey u shud know us by now. atleast we made ur day na 😀

  10. danit meghs she found out!! haaha now nothing is gonna make sense….and its alll ur fault u bombo nail painting romantic novel reading megha

  11. pushpak, that was so damn funny… and JB, haven’t you seen girls paiting their nails??? All girls do that…and ryan, I do know the umbilical cord sustained you when you were in the womb, but please do put a name here, while commenting.. you almost got me into trouble!

  12. megs i told u – ryan was in india while jude was in singapore . and when jude came back to india ,we lost track of ryan . jude tried to trace ryan in singapore without knowing that ryan lost his track in india . so overall i think Easter is going to be nice !

  13. yea u cant call him pushpak in publik but u can call him pushpac in public. so a mr and a mrs pushpac will be come 2pac.

  14. I was only there for a few hrs… Just enough time to meet a friend and head back to airport. Next time 🙂

    Now I can totally picture megs with mills and boon in one hand and drying nails on the other :p

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