
Poori and Potato…

So poori and potato, I am not a big fan of the deep fried poori, how healthy can anything deep fried be? But I love the potatoes, I love the way my mom makes them, not liquidly but a mashed potato kinda masala that can be folded within a poori and eaten. Makes for a great packed lunch too, neither messy nor fussy, just convenient and pretty good. 
First, cut the potatoes and boil them in water till they are cooked.
Finely chop a green chillie and an inch of ginger, and saute them in a little oil.
Finely slice a couple of onions and add them to the pan. Now the onions have to be sautéed till they caramelise, and turn golden brown. This is the defining moment, this is what gives the simple potato its awesome quality, that sweetness of the brown tinted caramelized onions along with the wholesome goodness of the potato is as good as any breakfast could get.
Nicely caramelized… this takes bout 10 to 15 minutes, while you stir continuously.
Add a little turmeric and appropriate quantity of salt.
Now drop in the cooked potatoes, and mix everything around nicely.
Here it is all ready…. 
Sprinkle freshly chopped coriander leaves on the top and you’re done…

Enjoy this potato goodness with your fluffy pooris… 
Now, I noticed guys don’t seem to like this.. that was when I realised it had nothing to do with the potato but everything to do with their moms. If they grew up with poori and potato as a staple breakfast, then mom’s way is always the best for them, and any change in that routine does not go down well with them. Can’t blame them, this is after all my mom’s way of making it too, and I don’t like the other watery and bland methods out there. This is the one I stick to, no matter how many complaints I hear at home, but I tend to skip the poori’s and eat them with chapathi. Well, hope you like this… 

0 thoughts on “Poori and Potato…”

  1. I SO agree with that statement – "it had nothing to do with the potato but everything to do with their moms." sigh!

    I miss eating this. This was a staple food in my mom's place.

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