
Wedding Fun and Chaos…

So here I am experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms after the past few amazing weeks of fun and chaos. Down with the fever, chills, cough and everything in between. So my sister’s wedding went off well, with a few minor glitches… you know what they say bout glitches at a wedding, that there has to be a few and the marriage will be a success. Going by that account, me and Tonio will be together for eternity… considering the way my wedding was. My sister Nameeta says that I always have a way of turning things round to me… and, I just did that. Anyway, getting back to the wedding it was fun, major fun… not so much for the guests but for us cousins and the family. Growing up we (as in me and the siblings) used to spend many vacations with the cousins in Bombay… over the past few years we manage to get together only during weddings and it’s still like old times, fooling around and staying up late nights. The previous day before the wedding, the bride went to sleep early and we decided to take pictures round the sleeping bride after placing bottles near her head, half empty alcohol bottles. The drunkard bride and her shocked cousins… we cracked ourselves up. The next day after the wedding, we decorated the room in a cheesy way with floating candles and flower petals in heart shapes… t’was crazy fun and I miss it. Gotta wait for the next wedding now… 
Anyway, here are a few random pictures… . 

So back home I live in this huge beautiful colony and we (me and Nameeta) used to go walking often, there’s this park on the way and we never fail to enter it on our jaunts through the colony. We sat on this see-saw after ages…

The slide…
This is our favourite…
My sister… just like old times.
And that’s me…
Blessing the bridal couple…

Blessing of the rings and the mangalsutra…

 Me and the cousins made heart shapes on the road leading to the church…

A blue heart…

 Lights at home…

 Table centerpiece…

Candle lights in kolam patterns… I love this. 

 Something blue (butterfly bracelet), something new (N embroidered handkerchief), something old and something borrowed (the gold bangles mom wore when she got married)

 Floating candles in dyed water…

Perusing through the book all the cousins receive when they get married…

There’s still a lot more to write but that’s for another post…

0 thoughts on “Wedding Fun and Chaos…”

  1. Nice pics!
    I still wish we could hv stayed longer and gone on tht outdoor photoshoot. Would hv been as much fun as our goofy 'photoshoot' at the wedding 😛

  2. Tina, you bet it would have been… anyway, there's always next time.

    Veronica, no problem… I am glad you always drop by my page.

    Sowmitha, thanks… how is life?

    Gibsy, I instagrammed the hell out of them.

  3. Great pics 🙂 lots of nostalgic memories as well. What would we give to go back to the days of innoccence, carefree living when our only worry was the Maths exam and one could enjoy life with games, comics and the company of brother, sisters and friends!

    Time changes everything 🙂

    All the best to your sister for a new phase of her life 🙂

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