
Frasier has left the building… sigh.

I bought almost all the seasons of Frasier three years back and over the past three years I’ve been going through them one by one. Yeah, I know… seems like a long time, but I like to watch my serials in peace, and with Frasier you definitely need quiet and peace to catch all the dialogues. I loved the show since the first time I saw it, it has got to be one of the most amazing sitcoms ever created. All the characters are lovable and extremely witty, the humour & the general pulse of the show was what set it apart from the other mediocre shows out there. Frasier had some classy creators and writers, and they imparted a certain standard to the show that remains unparalleled to this day.

I liked the way Frasier ended, it ended on a hopeful and inspiring note… but it was still sad to see all the people who’ve made you laugh so much bidding you good bye. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling, I loved all the fun times I’ve had with them and, I know somehow they’ve changed me, subtly but surely. They’ve brightened the day when I needed a little more sunshine in my life, they’ve helped me calm my mind when a storm is raging through it… they’ve made my world better by the amount of laughter they’ve poured into it. I know it seems a bit too much, going all looney over a TV show, but because of them I will never be in need of a shrink…. ;o)

This is how Frasier bids us all goodbye from his radio station…

“It may be that the gulfs will wash us down;
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,

And though we are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are—
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will;
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

I’ve been thinking about that poem a lot lately. And I think what it says is that, while it’s tempting to play it safe, the more we’re willing to risk, the more alive we are. In the end, what we regret most are the chances we never took. And I hope that explains, at least a little, this journey on which I am about to embark. I have loved every minute with my KACL family, and all of you. For eleven years you’ve heard me say, “I’m listening.” Well, you were listening too. And for that I am eternally grateful. Goodnight, Seattle.

Goodnight guys, you were wonderful…

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