
Pictures from my rooftop…

This sight rooted me to the spot, I had come upstairs as usual to supervise the construction work and when I caught sight of the sky I gasped. It was unusually beautiful, like the angels had been having a cloud fight (sorta like a pillow fight) which explains the tufts of clouds all over the place.

This was pretty interesting too, like a giant eagle swooping low… check out those wing spans.

These resemble scratches, like God had been testing his brush when he was painting the sunset below…
The sunset and the silhouette of a lone bird…

0 thoughts on “Pictures from my rooftop…”

  1. Yes! I see the eagle. What lovely skies–I'm so partial to clouds and their beauty. Sometimes I forget I'm supposed to be looking at the ground when I'm walking. Tch tch tch!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  2. Hey Beth, I know you can see more than an eagle there… in fact I have taken to looking at the skies because of you! Happy St. Patrick's day to you too :o)

    Mahesh, I am fine. Nice to know that someone is worried when I am absent from the internet world.

    Susan, nice of you to drop by…

    Anonymous, hey there..

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