
The Good Wife and Glee…

Two TV shows that have caught my interest are ‘The Good Wife‘ and ‘Glee‘. The Good Wife is a lot like The Practice… lots of interesting legal drama and courtroom scenes. The female lead is wonderfully cast and she brings a kind of dignity to the show. Everything about the show is nice, the way the camera captures mundane yet meaningful scenes, the guy from ‘Dead Poets society’ as one of the partners and the cases they come across. I used to love the Practice, had a huge crush on Dylan McDermott until I saw him as a gay guy in Will and Grace, that ruined the whole image I had of him. Anyway, The Good Wife is really well taken and I hope it becomes popular soon… here’s a preview.

Another show that is worth watching is Glee, it took me some time to like it though… my sister and the cousins were discussing Glee on facebook and I couldn’t understand what the big fuss was about. I mean it’s supposed to be like high school musical without Zac Efron and I only saw High school musical because of Zac Efron (yeah I kinda like Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus… weird no…) Anyway, I got hooked after they performed the single ladies dance, it cracked me up. I like the gay guy ‘Kurt’the best, everything ’bout him is funny… his dad is pretty cool too. Apparently Glee is quite the rage out there in the sitcom world and with these few videos you’ll understand why…
And they sing brilliantly too (especially lea or rachel), sometimes most of the songs I hear on Glee seem better than the original composition. You should check out these songs too ‘Dancing with myselfand ‘Defying Gravity
Anyway, here are a few one liners that cracked me up…
Sandy : Who is Josh Groban?! Kill yourself! He is an angel sent from heaven to deliver platinum records unto us and if he were here right now, I would club you to death with his critics choice award.
Kurt (the gay guy): At least you don’t have to worry about me getting someone pregnant.
Kurt’s Dad: What’s up with your brain today. I think it’s going soft from all that crap you put in your hair.
Rachel: Maybe one of these days you will find a way to create teaching moments without ruining my life.
Sue: I didn’t want to end up stuck in a lousy high school wrestling with mental illness, or 40 and single coaching THE worst football team in the history of this state or having to go to the salon every week to have my hair permed. (directed at Emma , the coach and Will… I thought the perm part was hilarious.)

0 thoughts on “The Good Wife and Glee…”

  1. Finally!! a post dedicated to Glee!! now i'm sure as soon as one of the cast members you like does something stupid.. you dedicate another post to glee trashin it.. Kurt is really funny.. Will is awesome!! I'll have to start downloadin 'The Good Wife'.

    PS: i think megs took sheena seriously.. she aint commenting on FB or anywhere else.

  2. the good wife seems interesting. im gonna start watching that. can someone explain to me how in the worl will doesnt not know his wife is not pregnant? Is he not gonna be touching her for 9 months??

    namidey, im not gonna be commenting on sheen's profile only. but dont worry, soon she will miss me and my comments. cos no one tells the truth like i do 😛

  3. Beth, nice of you to stop by.

    Nam, they are all talented, they can sing, dance and act… I think this show will go on.

    Megh's, his wife is dumb and I can't understand how Will married her in the first place. They are like the older version of Finn and Quin…

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