
Nobel prize…

So my sister is very dedicated to her work and that really baffles us (her family members… especially me). If you know my sister, you’ll understand why we find this strange… she is and has always been a carefree person, the one who likes to laze around and do nothing in particular. She is more of a people person, she likes hanging out with her ever increasing circle of friends and having a good time. So when I heard that she was working late these days and working during the weekends too, I started to panic. I rang her up yesterday to find out what happened to the sister I used to know…
Me : So, what’s up?
Nam : Nothin much… I have a three day weekend.
Me : Great! Do you wannna come here, shall I book the tickets? (note how loving and kind I am)
Nam : No, don’t go booking anything. I will have to go to office tomorrow.
Me : But I thought you said you had a long weekend…?
Nam : Yeah, it is a holiday but I volunteered to go and help.
Me : I am deeply touched by your dedication. If there was a Nobel Prize for hard work… you would definitely get it, Nam.
Nam : And if there was a Nobel prize for sarcasm, you would win it.
Yeah, even I am relieved… she’s still herself.

0 thoughts on “Nobel prize…”

  1. Illayaraj is 10th std fail and he became the famous composer of india, Bill gates is a college droupout and he is teh richist man now, JRD Tata 12th pass and we have Air India.

    So it actually doesnt matter if we are lazy or not or not a good student etc.. so you have got to get that wrong concept out of your mind that just because s/he was that that time ''im surprised s/he is dedicated''

    So actually there is nothing surprising – its a normal fact – if people like their job and does it with dedication they get attached to it.

    So i dont think laziness or poor school results had any effect/ influence on it.

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