
Kinda busy to write stuff, so just a few pictures for now….

Check out the view from my office… see the clouds gathered in the center, looks magical, like a shot out of a fantasy movie.
The sparkling sun creating a shimmering path …
Sunset in the horizon…
Nameeta just sent this amazing picture she took when she went on one of her field trips. It’s beyond awesome right, like God is peeping down on us… and probably wondering too… ‘what do I see in these humans… ‘

My team at work, surprised us with a birthday cake… which tasted rather good, it had some pink kinda fruit in it, t’was nice.
Here’s Jeeva blowing out the candleThat’s me …And here’s Mercy..
They smeared cream on our faces later… should have taken a picture of that…
This is one of those books that will stick with you long after you are done reading it. Look at that cover, temptation in the simplest of forms. And this book was wonderful that way, it is a simple love story with a weird twist that just makes you fall for the two main characters Edward & Isabella. It can play with your heart… though towards the end it became a little too sickeningly sweet, too many forever’s and can’t live without you stuff, like we haven’t had enough of that..
Dinesh, a friend, clicked the following pictures when he was driving down somewhere… I thought they were funny. Here you see rear view of the elephant…
Check out the profile… Front view…And then this calf came running behind that truck… Nah, I’m kidding. I just wanted to put up this baby elephant’s picture…
Pushpak, is leaving soon… I hope he will update his blog regularly. Should be fun to see how he experiences life there. Anyway, he was talking about St. Bernard’s and I fell for them too. Check out that St. Bernard puppy, aren’t they just magnificently lovely?
This last picture, kinda shows how I’ve been feeling lately… at peace when there’s no one around.

0 thoughts on “Kinda busy to write stuff, so just a few pictures for now….”

  1. hey nice pics.. esp the sunset pic.. nice blue white colors.. and even mom took a picture of an elephant on a truck.. she was amused by the sight.. and where at the books you are suppsoed to be sending??

    the pic i took is truly amazing.. one:cause it God’s creation
    two: cause i took it that amazingly..

    Forget the ipod and the phone.. get me a St.Bernard for my birthday 🙂

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