
The Tag…..

Anju had tagged me a long time back and I had forgotten about it until she tagged a few other people for the same thing recently(and I will never forgive her for tagging sajeeve! My poor mind was tortured reading his list regarding the amount of time pigs and lions take, being entangled in the throes of passion…)

Anyway, getting back to my list…

*If I walk into any room and I find the bed messy, my mind stops functioning. I just HAVE to clear the bed, make it neat and then get on with whatever I am supposed to be doing.

*Weird colour combinations make me so mad… if peope wear clothes that do not match or if the church altar is decorated in vividly loud colours that do not match… it again stops my mind from functioning. I cannot focus…. unless I will my mind to tune out and go to another place where everything is in harmony.

*I actually rock myself slowly to sleep.

*If you have seen curly haired babies/kids, you will know that they look amazingly beautiful (just like in the picture above)… always wanted a kid like that, seeing that nobody in this family has curly hair, I guess I’ll just have to follow the stars and adopt one.

*I HATED the Godfather book and the Pretty Woman movie.

*People are almost always surprised seeing my palms…. cause I have got more palmar creases than the normal human.

*I like the dance of the dust particles in angel rays… It’s the only dust that doesn’t get to me.

*I do not like the way technology has messed up the english language with its infuriating short forms…. (I wanted to give a few examples, but I can’t do it…. I can’t write like that and not feel anything)

*Very rarely will you see me using a blue pen, I somehow don’t like them. I carry a black pen with me.

*I was in love with Prince Eric for a very long time, until Prince Arutha of Crydee (from the Riftwar saga by Raymond E.Feist) came along, now I have this kind of deep reverential wonderful feeling for Sherlock Holmes… he’s beyond comparison.

0 thoughts on “The Tag…..”

  1. “being entangled” beat the shit out of what i had written ..U PERVERT …

    when did ur mind function to stop functioning….

    u can curl a babies hair easily ! its no big deal!

    very rarely u see me using a pen! i only use it to sign autographs whenever im out!

  2. curly haired babies are very cute..this old friend of mine who’s african american married a caucasian guy and their kids are sooooo goodlooking cos they have his blue eyes and her hair!!

  3. *I do not like the way technology has messed up the english language with its infuriating short forms…. (I wanted to give a few examples, but I can’t do it…. I can’t write like that and not feel anything)

    Let me give a example here kavitha,
    ([email protected])

    4 – what does it mean, Hope that is nothing but the word FOR.

    Some messed language is there in your personal ID. Please correct the short form.

  4. Tonio, well noted. Well, in this case, it is perfectly acceptable, since its an e-mail id and email ids should actually be short… the same goes for SMS’s, there its okay to use short forms, it is tiring to type out whole sentences using your thumbs. But while chatting and mailing and blogging and anywhere else, these short forms are infuriating…

  5. so, whats the deal with tagged? every person who is tagged needs to make a list bout what bugs them??

    tonio, i like the way your mind functions 😀

  6. Messy beds make you mad eh? You probably souldn’t be visiting our place then 🙂 The bed is ALWAYS messy. Both kid’s and ours.

    Well, in fact, you shouldn’t be meeting me even. Because when I get dressed every morning, I pick a random pants and a random shirt. So the chance of color combinations matching is pretty much non-existent.

    Nice to see you post. It’s been a while since I heard from you.

  7. well, it’s about time.
    * seems like your brain could stop functioning at the smallest things. You’d die in my room because I won’t let you straighten the bed.
    * I hated the pretty woman movie too
    * Although I hate shorthand with a passion, I liked Antonio’s point. He’s right.

  8. TDNA, its okay, I grew up with two boys, my tolerance levels are pretty high.

    Sandhya, that’s why I like travelling by trains, they lull you to sleep.

    Anju, its a good thing you did not read the godfather book.

    Scribbler, yeah they have a charm of their own, though they are difficult to manage.

  9. my dog had curly hair… and i do love curly hair (applicable only to kids).. but with every july,jane and jodie straighetning their hair these days , i have started to like curly hair on girls too…

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