
Nice sorta Chaos…

After two long weeks of quarterly holidays, the school reopened a few days back. I was so caught up in the chaos, I forgot all the work piled up at my desk. Things were just happenin everywhere… Arun turned up after a long time, nearly 6 months and he has grown… same old delightful smile. Carlton walks in, all agitated & scans the hall for anythin long and twirly… not finding anything, he starts sobbing (autistic children tend to have an unusual attachment to an unnecessary object) so Jesy teacher and I start giving him Sensory Integration Therapy. Then Sahaya Mary teacher hums a tune and Brinda smiles for a fraction of a second… and this surprises everybody cause Brinda hardly ever smiles. So we call Ramesh (who is always huming a tune) & tell him to sing… and Brinda smiles again and again. Aswin keeps running into other children and falling down… he’s happy to be back. Hansel utters what is most probably his first word and everybody stops whatever it is they are occupied with to make him repeat it again. He is a six year old kid with Down’s Syndrome… and he doesn’t speak. But he is slowly forming sounds and he uttered A WORD!!!! Ashraf keeps running all over the place, and Raja follows him around… to keep him out of trouble.
Yeah, that was an ordinary day at school… and I was starting to miss it…

0 thoughts on “Nice sorta Chaos…”

  1. I didn’t know you work with mentally challenged children! That is a great service to the humanity. And you seem to be enjoying doing what you do. You are a gem of a human being.

  2. thats a wonderful thing to do..i bet it feels great doing somethin as beautiful as this..you ought to know that people who’ve read this would crave for such an ordinary day at work..any typical day at my wrk would be filled with fake smiles, false appreciations , jealousy n selfishness
    but this is jus too good. n jus so you know, “Nice sorta chaos”??…i would say nice is an understatement

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