
His mercies never come to an end…

Let’s see… what can I jot down here. Made candles and they came out quite good. Felt good to do something like this after a long long time. Cheryl and Vidhya were here too and they liked the whole candle making process.
Anyway, I cooked on Sunday, made butter chicken and bread crumb chicken. It was nice to finally have the time to cook after the exams and stuff. Marinating, using the pressure cooker, getting that first whiff, listenin to the crackling sound of things frying… it’s therapeutic. Caught Alladin on TV after a long long time, the Walt Disney one… it was one of my favourite cartoons growing up. I remember wanting to be beautiful like Jasmine, and falling for somebody who could take me on a magic carpet ride… it was good watching it now, knowing that I had a ride like that and it was beautiful. What else, yeah had to receive a TT shot, cause Milton bit me & the shot was more painful than the bite… miss that kid, wonder how he is doing. Wonder if his mom is still torturing him… Oh God I hope not. John Arockia rang up on Sunday after I got back from mass… and I was surprised, thought somethin must be up… turns out it was friendship day and he rang up to wish me. Anita Kumari rang up after a long time too and Anju and Ferni messaged. Vidhya made a stuffed and decorated heartshaped thing for me and cheryl. It’s weird… long back we used to do a lot of things on this day… make friendship bands & cards, give yellow flowers… now after all we have been through, we just know that we are friends, and all this band, card and flower stuff… isn’t enough to say stuff anymore. Experiences bind you closer…
Met Medow and she is heavily pregnant, it’s a boy and the due date is August 23rd. I don’t know how people do it… I don’t know how I am going to do it, the whole being a wife, and the mothering thing… it’s not a matter of being good at it, it’s a matter of wanting it.

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