

Relief! Unshackled! Feels good when you are done with some things … like the exams. A sense of being free. Exams were okay, the studying was fun till I got fedup. But most of the stuff I read was rather interesting: the biography of many authors, the various mix of stories that brought reactions like “Wow! that is some story!” to “What did I just read!!! Did he really become famous for this!!!!!!!” . A few people that stood out were H.G.Wells (I liked the whole Eloi Morlocks theme), Charlotte Bronte, Eugene Francois Vidocq (Sherlcok Holmes was based on this real life character) and of course Shakespeare. Now he is some character… even the girls had something to say about him. Anju thinks Shakespeare is overrated, Shil said “To be or not to be – that’s all I remember about him”. Tina told me he is bisexual. Whatever he may be or not, his plays are anything but dull. Like somebody said, “Shakespeare tried all styles except simplicity.” Read that Cleopatra died by pressing a snake to her breast. Relayed this to a friend at a price I will never forget… can you believe there are still people living in today’s world who are bothered ’bout the state of Cleopatra’s soul!!! I found that funny!
This world just keeps getting weirder by the minute …

Experienced this truth too, this major gender distinctive trait. Man’s inability to read between the lines, his failure to apprehend the emotions underlying the literal meaning of the woman’s words ……….. the very people you trust with your most beautiful, peaceful and happiest feelings are the very ones who will desecrate it. People surprise you in the most different ways, guess that’s the only constant thing in life, change. Growth and change are the essence of life.
In a way, I got what I wanted … I got forever.

It’s a paradox, human beings are mocked and tormented by change as well as by lack of change.

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