Detachment, is it viable…

So my yoga group was discussing the above message, Choiceless Awareness, a term popularized by Jiddu Krishnamurti, an Indian philosopher and writer. They were talking about Brahmam, Atma, sat-chit-ananda and the like and how everything in this world tends to be an illusion, Maya. I’ve had similar conversation with friends many times, about detachment and its probability when one is in human form and how it sounds easy as a concept but quite difficult in principle. Anyway, this is what I wrote in the group… thought of posting it here.

Choiceless Awareness as a concept is quite intriguing, but as social beings can one sincerely be without a thought, idea or opinion? Choiceless awareness could serve us well, when we learn to observe the happenings in our immediate environment (low energy events and negative vibes of the people around us) without prejudice or condemnation. Times like this, choiceless awareness can be a way of finding peace in the midst of unnecessary drama. But when the sense of Self is threatened, one can’t remain choiceless. If Nelson Mandela had simply chosen to observe and remain choiceless, he wouldn’t be revered today for the great soul that he is. And to cinch it all, Jiddu Krishnamurti, by writing this philosophy down is definitely not being choiceless… He has  chosen to write it down thereby remembering, recollecting, and naming. 

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