
Moving mountains

In my previous post I had mentioned how we (the colony gang) were discussing what we wanted in life and since that day, I’ve been pondering over this question. It seems simple enough, the question, yet there are layers and depths to it. Everyone in the group had a different answer, some wanted everyone around them to be happy, another said that right now her career is a priority and she wants to focus on that, another wanted peace, a few were quite content and said that they didn’t want anything, another wanted space for himself, one wanted someone to love and be happy with, another who is keen on joining the army wanted the 21 bullet salute and the Indian flag on his body (which will apparently be sacrificed for the country) and among all these fascinating answers I kept wondering what I wanted. I said, on a global level, I want everyone to become more aware. I want pollution to come down, I don’t want our earth drowning in plastic waste. On a personal level, I would like to be more creative and author interesting works that captivate the imagination. So anyway, days have passed and this question still lingered in the back of my mind and it suddenly dawned on me, the answer that I intuitively felt inside but didn’t know how to articulate.

Faith as big as a mustard seed. That’s what Jesus said, “I assure you that if you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this hill, ‘Go from here to there!’ and it will go. You could do anything!” (Mathew 17:20). This verse perfectly answers the question ‘what do you want in life.’ If you have faith as big as a mustard seed you can move mountains. So maybe all that is needed is faith and everything will happen accordingly. Faith in Him, Faith in us, Faith in the Universe and life will never be the same.

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