
And my trip to Wayanad continues…

So after our first few hours in the resort, we set off to explore Wayanad and sights like these 

were quite common on our drives through this little green paradise. Our first stop was a local outdoors restaurant where the guys gorged on beef masala and Kerala parotta, needless to say they were in gastronomic heaven. That being taken care off, we started on our way to
Banasura dam, which is apparently the second largest earth dam in Asia. Yeah, I know… it’s not much to look at, but the cool breeze which comes in from the
lake on the other side is refreshing and worth the drive to this place. 
We then visited the Meenmutty falls, which is a ten minute trek from the main road. A group of college kids were frolicking around when we got there. 
The place is beautiful, water gushing over huge boulders and flowing 
gently down stream. We dangled our feet in the cold clean water and whiled away the time till dusk slowly crept in on us. We trudged back to the main road, content and exhausted after a long day of travelling and sightseeing. The resort had prepared a fabulous dinner (they had enquired about the kind of food we liked) and after having our fill we walked back up the beautiful path to our cottages, and lulled by the distant roar of the waterfalls cascading down the valleys we fell into a deep peaceful slumber.

Woke up quite early the next day to attend Sunday mass, and this was the view that greeted me as soon as I opened my door. The misty valleys shrouded in mist… a beautiful sight.

Another view of the waterfalls cascading down the valleys…

Got ready and started on our drive to the church…
Hardly an vehicles or visibility for that matter… 
Mist had gently taken hold of the whole place and created an enchanting effect.
The pink church, St. Joseph’s Shrine, where we attended a beautiful Malayalam mass.
Somehow it all felt right to come in here and thank the Creator for the gift of being alive… 

0 thoughts on “And my trip to Wayanad continues…”

  1. Hello Karen:
    What a delightful post. The landscape all looks so wonderfully unspoilt with the most marvellous views to be enjoyed. And then, the pink church shrouded in mist. What a magical sight. As you say, it is at times such as these when one is overflowing with the glory that is the Natural World.

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