
Awesomest of times…

So I was home for the weekend and it was bliss, that is a great place to unwind. The light clean comforting air with all the smells of summer floating in it was heavenly. I miss that clean home air, here it’s just foul and contaminated and going back there and getting a whole lungful of that air was intoxicating. I liked the way the rays of the sun danced on the plants and created images below…. even that was beautiful. No, I am not high… it just felt good to be back.I have fallen for Mowgli (alias Zimbo). When I saw pictures of him, I thought he was the most ugliest looking puppy. I met him on Friday and he is so funny… he has this silky hair, you can’t get over how soft and smooth it is. Then he has these antennae like ears, they are always perked up like rabbit ears… he jumps on you when you ask him what maaaaaa…” In short, he is cutishly ugly.
Manju (the goat at home) is also fine, and she is pregnant. Sunoj (a cousin) was playing with her so I said “Careful Sunoj, she is pregnant.” To which Sunoj replied “I didn’t do anything, I am not responsible for that”.And the cousins had come home, so it was extra fun… we had beef puffs, ragda patties & Tequila…

0 thoughts on “Awesomest of times…”

  1. pathe.. you are supposed to write Zimbo(alias Mowgli) cause you are the only one who calls him Mowgli. and aint the pictures good… i should take up a career in photography…

  2. your huose was reallly an amazing place to relax in…alll those trees on the terrace was awesome it reallly felt like a holiday there !

    arre nami ur in all the pictures useless..what photographs did u take eh?

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