
Black gum….

Well, so far nobody has turned up… I am at work and the guys who sit in my bay haven’t turned up yet. So I guess it is going to be a quiet day… no easy banter to while away the breaks. What else is happening, Jeffrey Archer was in town… I should have gone to see him. It would have been worth it, to meet an author. I mean when else will I get a chance to meet another renowned literary figure. Coming to that, authors I would like to meet are; Enid Blyton, Arthur Conan Doyle, John Grisham, Frank McCourt, Charlotte Bronte, A. J. Cronin, and a few others…

I’ve been traveling by train the past few days and I see these small kids with their vagabond parents shuffling from one train to another. This one small girl, no more than 8 years of age, pretty with an unkempt air about her was chewing a small wad of gum. She removes it with her extremely dirty hands, looks at it, then places it on the floor of the train and rolls it. She keeps rolling and rolling that piece of gum on the floor, then picks it up and puts it back in her mouth. And all the time her mother (I am guessing it is her mother) is sitting by her side and talking to her… and she doesn’t even raise an eyebrow. That kid continued to do the same thing over and over again… that pink gum was black by the time I got off the train. How do we rehabilitate these people? I got so frustrated seeing this, I kept asking Antonio, ‘what can we do? we should do something, we can’t just life our lives and not bother about the others’. He said something along the lines of ‘ Maybe she wanted blackcurrent flavour, it probably tastes better that way, you should try it?’

Okay jokes aside… there should be something we can do to rehabilitate these people and make them live a dignified life…

0 thoughts on “Black gum….”

  1. wow…ur guy has a real good sense of humour!!!!!!!
    y didnt u stop her there & then itself?thats the 1st step!! or simply throw up on her & the mom!!

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  3. ouch! thats bad. its common sense right? u see someone, especially ur kid, doing that n ur first instinct is to stop them from doing it. i dont think u need to be educated to do that.

    a couple of years ago i was on my way home in the train n there was a lady carryin a baby on her hip. while her other kid bout 5-6 was carrying a bag bigger than him n was standing on the edge of the train. one slip n he wud have fallen. the train wasnt crowded so there was plenty of space for him to stay inside. some other women told the kid to move away, but he didnt listen and the mother wasnt bothered.

    so wat do we do??

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