
Creamy Paneer Curry…

Here’s a delightfully creamy and easy Paneer recipe. I usually buy the Hatsun brand Paneer… among all the brands available here, I find they are the best. So if you like Paneer, try this out sometime…
Heat a little oil and fry sliced onions with ginger and garlic paste till the onions turn translucent.
Drop in some chopped tomatoes and fry for a few more minutes.
Add appropriate quantity of chillie, coriander, turmeric and jeera powder.
Mix it up and let it fry for a few minutes… 
After the onion tomato masala mixture has cooled down, grind it with a little water to make a smooth paste.
Chop your paneer into the required size and shallow fry them in a little oil, till they turn slightly brown at the edges.
After frying them drop them in a little warm water, so that they remain soft and succulent. 
In a vessel, add the ground masala paste along with the paneer (any other vegetable like potatoes, peas or capsicum can be added too). Mix it up well, add salt and appropriate quantity of water then let the dish simmer for a few minutes.
After a few minutes of cooking the paneer in the masala curry, add some fresh cream. Milk can be used if fresh cream is not available. Give it a mix and simmer for a few minutes, till the cream is well incorporated into the curry.
By now you’ll have a nice creamy curry, sprinkle garam masala over the top and cook for a few more minutes… 
That’s it, add a blob of butter just before serving… I hope you enjoy the dish. 

0 thoughts on “Creamy Paneer Curry…”

  1. I love paneer…This Dish is really good…I am gonna try this today…and also your blog layout is nice…
    One request-Please post often..HE HE

  2. Gibsy, yeah the same McKaren creamy… didn't want to brag here, the very few readers I have will stop dropping by. Was forced to change the layout, some new blogger issue… that could be rectified only with the new templates.

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