
Dawn of a New Year 2013

So it’s the dawn of another year, just returned from a really nice mass at Lourdes Church, where the priest gave a sermon using power point presentation. Needless to say, we all stayed awake… 
Anyway, here are a few images from the past few days…
 My house lit up for the holidays…
My room… 
Snowflakes on my window…
Christmas tree at a mall (citi centre) in Madras…
A Christmas star and a decorative kolam… at a neighbour’s place.
My twin brother’s Superman / James Bond themed birthday cake…. 
And this was taken just a few minutes ago (again at a neighbour’s place)
And with that I’ll leave you with a Blessing for the New Year…
Lord as a new year begins, we come to You and ask for Your blessings. We pray that You would give us joy to fill our days, peace to fill our heart, and love to fill our lives. Thanking God for you and praying your new year is blessed in every way. 

Happy New Year Everybody… May our days be blessed with hope, joy, peace and love.

0 thoughts on “Dawn of a New Year 2013”

  1. Very well done 🙂 have a lovely 2013 ahead 🙂 the cake looks yummy – lucky are your brothers who get such a delicious cake from their loving sister 🙂

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