
Don’t touch my jeans…

That’s what Tonio said before he left for work on Monday and I started laughing. He’s going back to work after the wedding and stuff and all he could say before leaving was “don’t touch my jeans”. Poor thing, all my clearing and arranging must be gettin to him.
He keeps saying “you’re like my mom…..keep this back, don’t leave this here…” (mimicking me)
And I keep telling him “you’re like manoj… leaving your clothes lying around…”

Yeah… sure feels like home.

0 thoughts on “Don’t touch my jeans…”

  1. awww! cho chwwwweeeeth!

    I pray he survives the ordeal!

    a guys jean is like a girls hand bag ! u shud never try to explore it !

    and it is washed only twice in 10 years !

  2. choooo chwwweeeett!!!!

    dont clean up the room, infact, start throwing ur stuff in the room too…then he’l come home n see the mess n start clearing it by himself

  3. I know!! That’s what I though too…aww how sweet! :p Start learning what you can clear up and what you can’t…that’s something that my mom still hasn’t fully mastered!

  4. Muhahahahahahaha… you would never listen to me when i yell and yell to let the things be in the place they are.. Muhahahahahahahaha…

  5. that’s really sweet!
    I heard a story the other way around about a couple: SHE was the one who was really messy! they ended up with two different bedrooms

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