
Dust you are….

Unto dust you shall return…
Ash Wednesday just passed by and as it always does, it makes everythin seem so unreal. All the people you admire, respect, despise, love, hate… everybody eventually ends up as dust.

Anyway talking about dust reminds me of this joke I read somewhere…
A few scientists had finally after years of research found out how to create life. So they approach God and say, We found out how to create life, we don’t need to worship you anymore. We are now equal.”
So God says, “That’s very interesting, let’s see you perform this feat.”
The scientists bend down to pick up some dirt and start the process of forming a life when God says, “Not so fast, use your own soil….”

0 thoughts on “Dust you are….”

  1. hey by the way…they have something about finding the tomb of jesus christ and all yea….the ones we were talking about the other day…i really wanna watch taht documentary and see what its all about!

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