
Ennada Rascala

There’s this cultural meet coming up in my company, and the whole office is divided into five groups. Yesterday, these groups named themselves as 1) 80 Degrees 2) N20 – The Happy Gang 3) Ennada Rascala 4) Speedy Turtles and 5) e-LEMON-ators. Today they are busy popularizing their teams, by designing flyer’s and what not. Everywhere you turn you find ad’s depicting their theme and a slogan. Even in the rest room there are flyer’s saying ‘You can’t survive on H20 alone, you need N20’ stuff like that. Now I thought the funniest and most original team name was Ennada Rascala… it’s this line that Shah Rukh Khan mouths in the movie “Om Shanthi Om”. Today I saw this flyer put up by the Ennada Rascala team…
Mind it!

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