
Gynaecologists and Redemption…

Okay here’s somethin my friends can’t put up on their blogs… but it’s too funny to leave out.

I heard this from a cousin… a very very crazy cousin. He was at home lazing around… watching tv, when his friends drop in, this guy and girl. So they too make themselves comfortable and everybody is watchin tv, when all of a sudden the girl starts crying… after a few minutes the guy starts crying. My cousin is staring at them dumbstruck… he asks them okay what’s up? Then out comes the stick and my cousin is staring at it, wondering what the hell it is… apparently it was a pregnancy test stick and it was positive, and these two (who were boyfriend and girlfriend by the way) were really tearing up over the ‘positive’ sign. The guy was crying more than the girl it seems… anyway, my cousin then drove them to the Gynaecologist office. So there he is sitting in the office with his friends, when his dad rings up… my cousin was kinda quiet on the phone, so his dad was like where are you, and my cousin says at the gynaecologist office… and his dad goes like what are you doing there… my cousin hardly knows what to say now, so he says will talk to you later or somethin. Then after a few minutes his brother (who is my cousin too) rings up. Apparently the dad had called the other brother and asked him what was going on… so this guy calls and asks him what he is doing… by this time I was laughing too much… to register what happened next.

This one a friend told me, new folks have joined her office and one among them is a jain girl. Now Jains are nice people… they don’t hurt living things stuff like that… they do not swat a mosquito even when it feasts on them… they shoo it away. And this jain girl and my friend got into a discussion… the jain girl goes like man does not need anythin. And my friend was like, that’s not true, every man needs redemption. And the Jain says no, man does not need anything. And my friend says your founder (or some such holy man) fasted and prayed and lived a life of poverty to gain redemption! That ended the conversation…

0 thoughts on “Gynaecologists and Redemption…”

  1. ROFL on that gynaecologist story. What made them come to your cousin’s place and cry!

    We have friends who lived in the US before marriage. They didn’t tell anybody they were living together. They suddenly got married. They told us and everybody else that they were forced to get married. They had a son after 7.5 months. They told us that the kid is premature. The kid looked fine. We didn’t ask them why 😉

  2. hey akvi, ithink i knwo who it is:D…hehehehe…n isnt it obvious tat ur cousin’s brother is ur cousin too???*tsk tsk*….im still laughin btw..hehhee..when i asked him..he completely changed the topic.is tat obvious or wat?!?!?!

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