
I’m off to see the cousins…..

Was in bombay the past few days… I really like that place (except for the traffic jams) . Did a lot of shopping and a lot of watching (especially Lincoln in Prison Break) .

The girls thought the younger brother Michael was more cuter, he IS kinda cute like a girl.... but the elder brother is better looking… nice jaw line. Anyway, the show was okay… nothing great, it had its stupid moments. I don’t understand how people do not sense danger in these serials. There is this lawyer girl who goes to meet a guy at this deserted place, cause he has information that might set lincoln free. And she sets off to meet this guy alone!!!! Obviously she being one of the main characters does not die… maybe that’s why all these main characters are so brave, they know they cannot die now, just when the show has started.

Went to this Jeans factory while at Megh’s place, they manufacture jeans for Spykar. Its a nice place, started by this young boy who must be about 20. At his age, he’s already running a company and making good money out of it too…. nice going. The finished product looks really nice, they wash it with chemicals and you get that stone washed look.

Ate good food there : sev puri, pani puri, dahi puri, vada pav…. its become a ritual, everytime I go there, we eat this food. Hope this ritual never fades away.

Oh, and I received instructions to glorify a certain somebody on my blog. I shall do that on my next post.

0 thoughts on “I’m off to see the cousins…..”

  1. tats nothin new, tina..hehehe..

    kavidey, the lawyer girl does die.she goes to tat ugys house n calls the cops..then the cops coem n kill her..cool na…anyway we thought he she looked mad….

    also the jeans company was not started by that guy.it was started by his dad..he just runs it …muhahahahahha:}

  2. arre megh’s, he started the company. He said his dad was into construction and when mom asked him who used to take care of it when he was studying, he said … I started this….

  3. i wanna start a jean company too!!!
    hey write something funny that sheena did or megha said….
    nice pictures though…i like the elephant god…looks stgh like the buddha jumps over the wall pose…

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