
It’s an awesome baby girl…

Tonio’s brother Arun and his wife Rani welcomed their little girl into the world yesterday. We are all so excited for them and here is the little princess herself… Mia.I have a niece, how cool is that…

0 thoughts on “It’s an awesome baby girl…”

  1. Pushpak, I did not name her Mia, her parents are callin her Mia at home.

    Mazhalai, thanks. Hope things are fine at your end.

    Megh's, the original due date was on the 20th of this month, but since Mia was already overweight close to 4Kg, they had to perform a Caesarean. That's why she doesn't look all wrinkled and tiny like a new born.
    And Meghs, I am not the author of my story… I will have to just wait and see what happens next.

    Chriz, :o)

    MBX, I get what you are sayin… like Martin Luther King, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Manoj Benito XAvier…

  2. ike Martin Luther King, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Manoj Benito XAvier…Megha MArtins 😀

    why do they call her mia at home? what r they planning on naming her?

  3. congrats on your new laptop!!!
    Mia is a nice name.
    Sad shes got you for an aunt.
    The next thing you know, you'll be teaching her how to keep her crib clean and that lizards are the scariest of all creatures and chocolates are one of man's best creations..

  4. Megh's they haven't decided on a name for her yet…

    Vinod, yeah mia's mom deserves all the praise.

    Candice, thanks.

    Nam, I brought you up didn't I??? Don't exaggerate.

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