
Its easy to walk in my shoes…

Like any other normal girl (okay woman) I love shopping for footwear… trying on different styles and then picking out the ones you instantly fall in love with, like the ones shown below. Aren’t they pretty… 
One of the little pleasures of being a girl…
P.S: I know there’s no point to this post, nobody reads my blog anyway…

0 thoughts on “Its easy to walk in my shoes…”

  1. My sister has the same pair of footwear – the one on the right – in black. The painting in the blog-header- did you paint it? Looks lovely!

  2. Hey… I read your blog except that I did not try your dishes so ceased to comment. Even I love getting slippers in different colors – mostly which are comfy to wear.

  3. Mahesh, your sister sounds like my sister. And I did not paint the header picture… took it off the net.

    Gibsy, I know you read my blog… nam tells me how you guys waste time there. And yeah, I too look only for comfy sandals.

  4. heeeeyyy! Don't be like that! I read your blog, don't I? Only sometimes I lurk instead of commenting, but I like your blog ok? Don't say no one reads your blog.

    Those sandals look nice and comfy but Yeah, I'm with Nameeta on this one – always go for black sandals. I don't know what her reason is (probably something stylish like 'Black is the new Black!) but for me, black sandals hide scratches and dirt better… HEHE 😛 so, I like them.

    Where did you buy these anyway?

  5. Thank God for people like you….its always an interesting read. But you see, I have to type to comment and by the time I'm done reading, something else would have happened and I need to rush. Keep it goin! its wonderful!
    I love shoes as well. Mums like, one more pair then its either you or your shoes in the house…I guess the same goes for my clothes as well..huh…somehow its never enough, especially when shopping is therapeutic…hee…

  6. Jane, I was playing the pity card… and it worked! 😉 I bought the strappy one at Max and the other one at Shopper's Stop.

    Nitya, 🙂 that's what my mom tells Nameeta too. Nice to see you here.

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