
My Detox center

A trip home is like a soothing balm that eases the flakes of corrugated dust that settles on the soul after months of living in a place congested with people, vehicles and the smoke produced by these too. I can never get used to living in a city, at least an organized city can grow on you… but a city bustling to the seams with people and vehicles, not to mention the pollution that follows is enough to make someone like me go into a funk. (yeah, heard this word on Glee). Here’s why…

See, that expanse of green fields and the clear air above it… isn’t that soothing. Well, these fields and the western ghats near by keep my place clean and pretty. I don’t have to walk around like a snob there, but in the city you’ll always see me with a clean white handkerchief pressed to my face, partly suffocating partly breathing. You can’t take a leisurely stroll in the city, you can’t go out just because, you can’t just saunter over to a friend’s place…. its the small stuff like this that I miss. And that’s why I wait for these trips back home… its like detox.

Went to Santhi Nilayam (the special school I used to work in) after so many months and it was overwhelming, those kids who used to hug you and climb onto your lap have suddenly grown up. Gone is that mischevious little grin, those little eyes sparkling with unbridled enthusiasm, those spry little bodies that used to dart in and out of classrooms… instead there was the faintest sign of whiskers accompanied by deep gruff voices. And I was filled with a momentary pang of loss entwined with happiness for the way time has changed these little friends of mine. 

Visited the chapel of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at Bishop’s house (this huge place that the Bishop resides in, it has a school, a seminary, a convent, and huge acres of plantation crops) and its the most peaceful place of worship I’ve ever seen. There is absolute stillness here and the nuns live in constant prayer and silence, their communication with the outside world is limited. They are called the cloistered nuns, they live a secluded life. This congregation of nuns pray solely for mankind and for all the problems that are out there in the world, most importantly world peace. This is their whole life, prayer and silence… they make their living by preparing the host that is distributed at communion, they grow their own crops and live on what others donate to the convent. Theirs is a very simple and humble existence… am in awe of them.

The Chapel
Inside the chapel…

0 thoughts on “My Detox center”

  1. Karen:

    Loved this image: "flakes of corrugated dust that settles on the soul. . ." Very true. I completely agree with all that you have said. Two years ago I used to work in a similar place and those were the best years. Hope you had a lovely time away from the dust and heat. Came back refreshed and happy happy?

    Joy always,

  2. Susan, I had a great time at home… came back exhilarated.

    Jude, I hope my place retains her pristine beauty and that botanical carnage never happens in the name of development.

  3. There always gets a pride hunch of warmth in my heart everytime I read about Nagercoil, especially from you. That little town, I tell you, is unbelievably underrated in the state. But maybe, it's better that way to save the little green n peace.
    I have visited that chapel too and yea, it's incredibly calm and absorbing !
    I miss my town, so dearly – every single thing about it. God bless Nagercoil !!!

  4. Sandhya, Amen to that. Nagercoil is a charming little place, anywhere you go you meet someone you know… the whole town is like home, comfortable. Really liked your heartfelt comment…

    Mahesh, which part of Kerala are you from?

  5. Karen – In need of your advice ! Please point me in the direction of some good hearted books. In the last two months, I rented twelve books and returned them ALL after hitting boredom in about twenty pages….I am scared if I would totally lose the will to read. Will you list out those books that you have honestly, absolutely, utterly loved…? And I've tried but failed at serious stuff like Grisham, Chrichton, Ludlum, or even Mario Puzo. I think I need some serious councelling…

  6. Hey Sandhya, are you on Facebook? I just copied this from an e-mail I sent to a cousin… hope you find these interesting. Which book of Grisham did you try reading, some of his recent books are unbearable… same for crichton.

    Agatha Christie – And then there were none (you should definitely read this first, its mindblowing)

    Susan E Phillips – This heart of mine

    Robert James Waller – Bridges of Madison County

    Mitch Albom – The five people you meet in heaven

    Frank Mc Court – Angela's Ashes (truly awesome memoir)

    Betty Smith – A tree grows in Brooklyn

    John Grisham – The Partner, The Street Lawyer, The Firm, The Client

    Michael Crichton – Sphere, Lost World, Jurassic Park

    Harlan Coben – Gone for good, The Woods

  7. Now, that's a list ! Thanks a bunch !!! The only one I have tried of Grisham's is 'The summons' and I felt kinda awkward to say that I didn't quite like it. But I honestly didn't. I have read Jurassic Park and The five people you meet in heaven. Isn't that the guy who wrote Tuesdays with Morrie?

    I'm gonna head to the library with your list right this afternoon. Help me with more titles as and when you find other good ones. Thanks and love ! 🙂

  8. Sandhya, that book sucks… The Summons, even I haven't read it. Don't give up on Grisham though, pick up 'The Partner' and then you'll see how good he really is. Trust me on this… you will love The Partner.

  9. Hi Kavi,

    My native place is a village called Thiruvilvamala, it is a couple of hours from Thrissur. A temple on a hill, lots of paddy fields.

    Hi Sandhya,

    If you like crime fiction, check out the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy by Stieg Larrson.


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