
Nice Ad….

Wouldn’t you say so…
Nam and me were in this huge clothing store and we were making fun of all the models on display (there was one of hrithik in which he looked kinda gayish) when we came across this one. Seriously, dark people are more better looking….

0 thoughts on “Nice Ad….”

  1. guys leave sherlock out of this… he is above all these things, he is above all that is real… he’s the greatest fictional character that was ever created. He is the master of ratiocination.

  2. it takes one to know one, saj,
    hehe… (don’t get all profane now. I know somebody is going to write somethin here about ethane and methane now)
    and ryan, we are all colour challenged… trust me, its better that way.

  3. the cheeks megs! dont get too cheeky ok! u and ryan ! control ur basic instincts ! this is not a XXX discussion forum! this is KKX s blog !

  4. ya bro, i agree with u, enough about the pink bits. This meghs only pretends to be holy…she can teach us a word or two of her own. Hey have u guys seen the united colours of benetton ad? tts another racist one..

  5. no bro, i think in a few more minutes, his left leg will cramp up with all the blood rushing down. n where is this article about benetton that u mentioned?
    karen i dont know how to put pictures in blog entries 🙁

  6. and here i was thinkin 30 or more ppl saw the add n most of them commented on it!! so,when’s sajeev makin a post of this conv?
    ps: i cudnt c the pix!

  7. im serious k, i really dont knwo wat pink parts u prople r tlakin bout..enlighten me…

    n kavidey i think the guy in the ad is totally hot..theses guys r just jealous:)pay no attention to them.

  8. corrupting her???!?!?!?!!
    i trusted her to teach me cursive writing and she who told me that cursive writing meant writing the words F*&$ B*&#$ and so on…
    i think the guy has nice abs

  9. meghs…i didint say partssss i said part…no s..read properly before u get excited na….and see karen how could u blame us for her over enthusiastic mind!!!!

  10. oh, i apologise ….i must be seeing things….must be coz of yesterday….

    karen ur post is creating too much of a hype. n its jus one half naked guy. imagine if u put up pics of more guys….

    ryan, accept my apologies ok.it shall never happen again

  11. hey i was just wondering….how come pictures of the blessed sacrament didnt get as many comments as this half naked black (or dark or color challenged) guy?

  12. i saw the pix now n he looks starved!! he shud drink a bigger glass of whatever he’s drinkin n more of it!! how can u say if he looks hot or not from his profile which isnt clear either?

  13. ya kavi…the reason why im a carpenters son is because thats the only way i could incorporate meghas bloody mary and screwdrivers into one line…get it? mary and screwdrivers…religion and hardware…..now u go ask megha what she meant by bloody mary and screwdrivers…she has hidden meanings as well….

  14. ok fine i give in….ok u see the hidden meaning is this..when i say im a carpenters son, im sayin that i am jesus’s son..get it? cos jesus is a carpenter and saying i am a carpeters son means i am a christian..thats the hidden meaning..its the same like if i were to draw a fish means i am christian….
    icy chips has a good point…maybe he looks beter on the poster than on a picture of the poster

  15. but ur missing the point u see….u hardly get to see prince william topless in a crowded shopping centre in nagercoil….so mae do with the next best alternative!!

  16. u wrote this post on purpose!! racism,slavery,starvation,murder,cramps,drug abuse all in 1!! way to go!!
    but hottest ad is of doctors/surgeons in an ad 4 their boxers!!
    mayb u shud just concentrate on ur wedding preperations!!

  17. and with that one comment…icy chips has summarised everything we’ve ever intended to say….and to top it off that was the 69th one….count it down and ull see its true..what an amazing nnumber to end on….but usually isnt that the start of stgh else ;)…

  18. it is a family blog bro. I mean we are all family anyway yea 🙂

    no chips, im not a scorpio 🙁 is it really true that scorpios have a special affection for 69? or is that some kind of joke im not getting? like the 6th of sept is the first day of the star sign.

    why all the talk about perversion?? The only reason why i found 69 fascinating is because that seems to be the only 2 digit number that u can read on reverse and is still the same…*puzzled wink*

  19. les make it 100?? then its like a full…something none of our indian cricketers managed to do this world cup…lol…
    Meghs im surprised you didnt say stgh like “whats, a 69? i dont know enlighten me na pls”…lol
    sure thing karen…for as long as you put up racist blogs, ull have the whole family behind you supporting it!!!!

  20. Alors voila hier j’ai appelé une personne en belgique et celle ci devait me donner pas mal de numéros de portables et la catastrophe g rien compris, enfin un peu kan meme

  21. e viens vers vs les blech pour une petite leçon please pour te pas paraitre “bete” la prochaine fois avec un correspondant blege

  22. Sir:

    An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to the number itself


    a web developer
    i have gone to that level






    3**3 + 7**3 + 1**3 = 371.


    91 is a ramanujam number


    you have made so many girls want to kill each other


    91 = 63 + (−5)3 = 43 + 33


    you are a menace to civilized society
    i am not interested


    1 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 19
    19 · 91 = 1729


    i beg of you
    i beseech you
    teach that to karen


    she wont understand


    teach it to her in french

  23. ok bro i know how to make it more than a 100 now..you and jude just translate every comment written in french back into english and then i guess it will go past 100. rite?
    cos i couldnt understand it.
    ich sprache deutsch!

  24. attention! attention! *tinkles spoon against champagne glass*

    Miss Kavidey will now deliver a speech on the occasion of reaching this fabulous milestone.

  25. wow…so all the french stuff….which site did u use for translation…..cant wait to meet u guys to hear u speak all that…n dont learn anything just teh day before i come…

  26. classic megh’s!!! And jude haven’t you started working??? Where do you get the time to drink champagne and comment on all blogs? And who taught you guys french? Too bad he didn’t teach you the art of speaking sense… and ryan, what is “ich sprache deutsch! “?

  27. i think when shilpa meant mole, she was talking about the black guy bro (excuse me it wasnt I who called him black!!) which is why she deliberately left out the hill…
    hey is this grounds to add another 100 comments?? talking about how the blacks were never moles and it was the jews who were moles first?? and then they sarted using the blacks cos they somehow seemed more penetatable?

  28. OH MY GOD!! i forgot it was ‘molehill’ n not ‘mole’!! please dont drag me into racism!!i aint gonna get my hands dirty in french champagne or dutch soup!! thankU very much!!
    n 69 is 96 when read other way!!

  29. when i said reverse i meant that u have to turn it around 180 degrees and then read it.
    ich sprache deutsche means i speak german meghs. and i liked that joke about blacks not gettin detected in the dark..
    where is sajeeve?

  30. O Master, Lord our God, Who in Thy wisdom hast created man, and didst honor him with Thy Divine image, and place in him the spirit of life, and lead him into this world, bestowing on him the hope of resurrection and life everlasting; and after he had violated Thy commandments, Thou O Gracious lover of mankind, didst descend to the earth that Thou mightest renew again the creation of Thy hands. Therefore we pray Thee, O All-Holy Master give rest to the souls of Thy servants, Mr. Black/Dark/Colour Challenged Guy, in a place of brightness, a place of green pasture, a place of repose, and, in that they have sinned in word, or deed or thought forgive them: For Thou art a good God and lovest mankind and unto Thee do we ascribe Glory, together with Thy Father, Who is from everlasting and Thine All-Holy and good, and ever giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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