
Praying for Haiti…

I keep thinking bout the people stuck under the wreckage in Haiti slowly feeling life ebb away. It must be terrifying pinned under piles of rubble, unable to reach out to the open sky that is a few feet away. Suffocating in a dark place, with no food or water and no way of communicating to the world outside… praying to be rescued yet as the dark hours pass by wondering if they will ever find you. Thinking of loved ones and crying over the fear of not seeing them again… and finally hoping that heaven is a safe place where you will never have to endure such torment and anguish again. I don’t know how many people were/are trapped under the debris in Haiti, but from what I have been reading I know it is quite a huge number, and I cannot begin to describe what I feel for them. I just hope that as many as possible were rescued on time and that the others who had to meet their creator were received with joyful arms, the safest place imaginable. If there are people still alive inside, God please help them… only You seem to know what is happening around here.
For the survivors its a living nightmare, the papers show horrifying images of corpses being heaped about (and from what I read decaying and oozing out body fluids that run down the street), the survivors who have no where to go now, missing home, and family and food and water and everything that they need to stay sane. Lord, please do something… You are all they have got now. Please watch over them, take care of every single person out there. I don’t know what else to do…

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