Reaching Lyon

The next day, at the quaint farm house, we woke up early and this was the view from the attic window
 misty mornings.
 Panoramic view…
Came down and Ginny was cozied up in her spot
Went out and was greeted by the sun rising over the fields…
We walked down this road where there was not a soul nor a vehicle in sight…
Cows grazing away….
A barn and sunflares…
Roads were empty…
what else is one expected to do but jump…
and contemplate life…
As we walk down winding roads.
Can you see my road trip companions waving from the attic window…

Then we went down for breakfast… of croissants, bread, jam and butter. There was orange juice and hot chocolate too. So we sit down for breakfast and eat the croissants first, and then we see another bowl of bread and croissants on the table and since we thought she had spread out the food, we take the croissants from that bowl too and eat them with the jam and butter. The French baguette was too hard to eat so we didn’t bother with that. So anyway, as we were sipping our orange juices and just talking, the hostess walks in with two other guests who were staying in the first floor of the house and we had no idea at all. We though we were the only guests there, I mean, we had no idea that she rented her house to different parties. So anyway, the horror of what we had done struck us, we had eaten up the croissants in the other basket too and when they sat down to eat, she shows them the food and then looks up in surprise when she sees the croissant missing. We are embarrassed to our bones and we’re profusely muttering away apologies, and they wave it aside graciously, but we are really mortified at ourselves. So anyway, we leave the dining room and we’re discussing this, and Jude says let’s go buy some from the bakery, so Nam and Jude drive off quickly to the nearest bakery and come back with fresh croissants for the guests. That was quite a save, and we were able to breathe easy after this really awkward situation. On a side note, when you have guests at home, always keep extra croissants at hand, you’re a Bed & Breakfast after all… I guess our hostess won’t forget this lesson or us anytime soon.
Here’s to this wonderful place in the countryside… barring the little croissant fiasco, we had a memorable time here.
One last wave from the attic window and we were ready to leave…
After saying good bye to our gracious host and getting a lot of wet kisses from Ginny, we started on our drive to Lyon, we were gonna spend the night there. On the way came across this little pasture and had to stop because of these
gorgeous creatures…
My sister taking a selfie with them…
Pretty beings…
Halfway to Lyon, we stopped at a cafe to replenish our caffeine reserves… saw these beautiful vases hanging outside the cafe.
I’m not a coffee person, so I just strolled around taking pictures…
The church…
Some run down place…
 leafless creepers…
another dilapidated yet pretty place…
While backing out of the parking lot we bumped into a truck and scratched my brother’s car. We all felt really bad, so we call him up and we’re like sorry… we should have seen properly and all that. He’s like, don’t worry about it, when I come to your house, I’ll put a scratch on your car… then you won’t have to feel bad about this 🙂
So after driving for a few hours we reach Lyon by 3:20 pm and this time too we had booked an apartment through Airbnb. This place is right in the heart of Vieux Lyon (old Lyon)…
And we loved this cozy little place. This sofa pulls out into a bed…
Cute curtains in the entryway…
This is the other really tiny bedroom….
The wash room…
And this was the view from the windows… the steps to reach the Notre Dame is right outside our front door.
But nobody wanted to climb, so we took the funicular from the train station and reached the church that sits atop a hill in a few minutes.
Candles burning away…
Pretty heating vent on the floor…
Notre dame de Fourvière, visited this place back in 2013 and I realise I was more observant then… check the link for the 2013 post. Attended a french mass after looking around… then went to the
Crypt where there are lots of statues of Mother Mary from all over the globe. Here’s Our Lady of Vekankanni at the Fourvière Basilica…
A Chinese Mother Mary and Jesus…
Another gilded one…
Another one…
The Lion symbolising the city of Lyon…
Walking down is relatively easier than climbing up, so we decided to walk down… and these prickly leaves were lining the path.
St. Joseph on the way….
Jesus seems more at home here… than in a church.
Reached the old town of Lyon…
Went to a nice crepe place, Le Krépiôt, for a late lunch… some wine, cafe viennois and orange juice.
This was my aubergine, capers, olives and cheese crepe… it was brilliant.
This was some mushroom, ham, egg and cheese crepe… tasted awesome.
A shrimp crepe, also good…
Then we just walked around old town, till we came to this yogurt place… where you scoop in your desired flavour of yogurt, add whatever toppings you want and pay by weight. This was pretty good too.
Evenings in the old town…
Strolling around in Lyon at night was quite fascinating, the soft lights, the cobbled streets, the chatter of tourists, the pretty display windows, the lovely ice cream shops… Lyon at night is rather pretty, just the whole feel of the place is magical.

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