
Soaking October…

There’s this song by Collin Raye, which goes like this…

She said: we’re much too different
We’re from two seperate worlds
And he admitted, she was partly right.

But in his heart’s defense he told her
What they had in common
Was strong enough to bond them for life.

I laugh, I love, I hope, I try,
I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry.
And I know you do the same things too.
So we’re really not that different..me and you.

Man! That’s so sad… if you don’t fit in, you don’t fit in… THAT’S IT!!!! Why write such a dumb song??? I hope the person he wrote it for had a nice laugh over it. Why can’t people just understand that there are different levels of communication… people are exposed to different elements and different lifestyles… different ways of being brought up and educated. You cannot go around telling people, we are same because we have two eyes, two ears, one nose… please!!! No wonder, I like spending time with my kids… they make more sense than the adults I know! And by adults I mean relatives, and other irritating people who are thrust at you in the name of tradition/culture crap!

Anyway, no use talkin ’bout them… back to some things that have made the past month memorable. Anju turned up sometime last month and she had me in splits. She’s like this mother hen you see in cartoons, all the henlings go running to her… they feel safe under her wings. Poor thing… but its hilarious.

Another guy who kinda knows how it is cause he has been down the same road I have, Ryan. I was tellin him about lying to God… and he said God knows what’s really inside you, so don’t worry about how it seems on the outside. Ryan, you will never know how much that means to me…

Mother (Sr. Magdalene) had gone to meet the DDRO (District Disability Rehabilitation Officer) something to do with the school. Now Mother is old & you have to speak slowly and clearly so that she understands. So the DDRO starts talking about his mom & he says that he had gone to meet her (his mom) at the hospital and when he saw her the feelings just rose from the pit of his stomach and reached his head and now it is all here. So he is indicating how the feelings rose and he is holding his head… when Mother says, you must use Vicks or Tiger Balm, your headache will go away. Man! that was so funny…

Talking of funny… here’s somethin I heard on the Jay Leno show. Britney and Kevin Federline have split and now Kevin can be called… Fed Ex.

Fr. Antony, our parish priest had come home recently. I was standing outside the house when he came home on his bike, dressed in jeans, a nice fit white t-shirt with his cooling glasses dangling from the front. I couldn’t recognise him… he has got to be the best dressed and the coolest priest on land! He’s an amazing guy, he keeps us laughing & interested in his sermons. He’s the second priest who has really made an impact on me… the first was Fr. Eugene in Abu Dhabi. The thing I remember about Fr. Eugene are his eyes, you could literally see/feel the joy flowing out of them… into the world. Fr. Antony is no less, he knows the Bible right from creation (Genesis) to destruction (Revelation). The best thing about this Father is that he doesn’t come up with new interpretations… neither does he harp on about the old ones. He’s cool… he explains everything from an historical point of view (he does a lot of research before his sermons) and its like watching those interesting, old stories on Discovery or History Channel… it makes you think… & wonder.

At school lots of things are going on. Jothi teacher has been bringing her little daughter Darshana to school the past few days, and that girl is like an angel… a very short tempered one.

Yesterday I was in the kids computer room, trying to get the computer to start. The smaller kids watch educational music videos/rhymes & the older students play computer games… anyway the computer wasn’t coming to life, so I put my hand behind it to check the connections… when this lizard came running out from somewhere behind it. I started screaming and the kids started laughing… they drove the lizard away. They told me if I see any lizard again, I am suposed to tell them and they will drive it away… sometimes I don’t know who takes care of whom.

0 thoughts on “Soaking October…”

  1. Hey… Those lines at the beginning make a lot of sense. I agree with the bit about different levels of comunication, but sometimes you just get a feeling. You know?

    Anyway, nice post – Fed ex? hahaha… I should watch Leno more often.

    And Dharshana looks really cute – hardly like a little hitler!

  2. vishnu I know what you mean about gettin the feel… and darshana is cute, real cute… you havent seen her when she is angry. Her mother complains, even my students listen to me… but my daughter!!! Yeah leno can be funny…
    And sajeeve, I know Henling is not a word, but it seems a nice word… and its my blog. You must be a genius to come up with those other “ing” words… anyway how do you know so much about all the stars???

  3. hey Kav…great one! I can’t believe you put up that passage about me though!! hahaha. And I like the word henling. Well, we have two perspectives of the same story on our blogs. It’s good. :p
    I agree, I hardly think just because we all breathe, speak, cry, shit etc doesn’t mean it qualifies as having enough in common. That’s what you meant, right?
    I especially like the last few lines of the post.

  4. kavidey, the song lyrics was a load of crap.where the hell did u get it from?….

    did ryan really say tat???im shocked.but i agree.hahha…:)…anyway tat lil kid looks really sweet. doesnt look like a hell raiser,,…wats her name?jyothi??i dont wanna go back n read it again…

    the fed ex joke was really nice but u shouldnt have mentioned the fact tat leno said it…tat way u can take all the credit for urself!!except for my jokes..then it would be plagiarism!!…..

    about the lizard thing, it soooo sweet,wat the kids said to u about scaring the lizards away!

    anyway, in short it was a great post!:)

  5. if you don’t fit in, you don’t fit in.
    People don’t give up on hope that easily, I guess.

    LOL@ the lizard story! I would do anything to see you scream like that, including bringing a lizard along (real or fake) if I ever meet you 🙂 Your students seem very nice. If something of that sort happened with any of our teachers when I was young, he/she would find a lizard on the chair every day 🙂

  6. Megh’s that’s a typical country song. And DNA, I guess that’s one of the differences between a normal school and a special school… just yesterday this kid locked a nun in the bathroom, poor thing but it was funny….

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