The journey back…

So after dropping Nam off at the airport in the previous post, me and Vinod stopped by this pretty church near the airport.
To see a painting that Fr. Gabriel mentioned when we met him recently. 
And here’s the painting by the Swiss artist, Alexandre Cingria,… who is best known for his work on stained glass windows.
Inside the very simple and charming church of Cointrin (the location)… A Hungarian mass was about to take place and the people were so kind, that me and my brother stayed for the Hungarian service.
We stopped by migros on the way home and I picked up this apple strudel… my last pastry here before I leave the next day. 
Then came home and made this huge savoury puff pastry for my brother to take to work the next day.  Spent the rest of the evening packing and weighing my luggage, then went to sleep. 
Woke up the next day, made some breakfast for my brother and he went to work. Then I made this tortellini, that you get in ready to make packets. You just saute them in some butter, add some seasoning and they’re ready to be eaten. So made this, showered, got ready, ate a bit of this, vacuumed the living room and waited for Vinod to come home. He came and we left to the airport, he dropped me off and after I went in for the security check he left for work. 
After an amazing couple of months, I bid goodbye to these mountains… while whispering a silent prayer of coming back again sometime.
Ginger ale… 
On the flight back home…
This was lunch: Chicken with creamy mushroom sauce, served with gnocchi, green beans and carrots.
This was the wheatberry salad with mayonnaise and salad leaves.
Reached Chennai and this ancient sage, Thiruvalluvar, was a nice welcome on the metro. His kural (628) says:
He seeks not joy, to sorrow man is born, he knows;
Such man will walk unharmed by touch of human woes.
The translation of this Kural 757 is:
‘Tis love that kindliness as offspring bears
And wealth as bounteous nurse the infant rears.
Stepping out of the metro station to find… love greeting me, just like it did through the mountain ranges I left back in Geneva. 
Finally I finish documenting my 2017 trip after a couple of years, yikes… how slow yet how cool to relieve these memories all over again while writing this blog. Anyway, here’s a list of my 2017 travel posts…
  1. Tertiary Home
  2. Fêtes de Genève
  3. A Sunday in Geneva
  4. Roaming around with Nam
  5. Holy Ravioli
  6. Satigny 
  7. Chexbres
  8. Vicolo 39
  9. Road Trip to Paris
  10. Paris day 2
  11. Apremont-sur-Allier
  12. Reaching Lyon
  13. Lyon and Dumplings
  14. Annecy 2017
  15. Chamonix 2017
  16. Pisa
  17. Roma 2017
  18. Florence day 1
  19. Florence day 2
  20. Exploring Geneva and CERN
  21. Barcelona Day 1
  22. Barcelona Day 2
  23. Day 3 in Barcelona
  24. Day 4 in Barcelona
  25. Flying Croissants, Reblochons and White barked trees
  26. Chapels, Pot pies and Cafes
  27. Jaun Waterfalls
  28. Coppet
  29. Geneva Street Festival
  30. The journey back … this post
Thanks for reading along, if you did follow me now and then through this erratic posting schedule of mine, I really appreciate it.  

0 thoughts on “The journey back…”

  1. Hi Karen,

    The tour diary – ends on a lovely note.

    The painting looked beautiful.

    Wheatberry – a new name – how does it taste? sour?

    Loved the use of the kural and the picture of the stray canine welcoming you back to Chennai.


  2. Wheatberry is the raw wheat kernel, with the sauces and dressing it tastes pretty good.
    That stray canine was beautiful, a picture of peace and quiet, amidst the swirl of emotions.

    Thanks for reading along 🙂

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