
The sun’s in my heart, I walk down the lane with a happy refrain…

So I’m sitting here with a headache listening to Anne Murray and thanking God for online radio, cause whenever I get these kinds of head exploding headache’s, I just tune into some country channel mostly ‘soft country music’ or ‘country love songs’ and things seem better after a while. Talking bout music, the other day I was at church and this funeral mass was about to begin and the choir was practicing and everything looked so serene and peaceful… seemed like a nice and simple farewell. So I told Antonio that when I died I wanted a nice and simple English mass with nice songs and he said, “No, you will have a nice Tamil mass and your choir members can sing one song in the end, Joy To The World”. Yeah, he’s funny alright.
I saw Sherlock Holmes yesterday and surprisingly I liked Watson more than Sherlock in the movie. Robert Downey Jr. was interesting as Sherlock with his sarcastic replies and dishevelled appearance, but I did not like the way he was portrayed. Sherlock Holmes, the character is to be revered, you cannot throw wine on his face and make him look dishevelled or naked in handcuffs like that… maybe that’s Guy Ritchie’s idea of Sherlock Holmes. My Holmes is above all this, his nonchalance and acumen is what makes him tick, he wouldn’t mess with anything that interferes with his powers of reasoning and that includes women. Anyway, I liked Jude Law as Watson… he was a nice change from the old Dr. Watson of the books.
Lately I’ve been hooked to Gene Kelly’s song ‘I’m Singing in the Rain’, it’s the ringtone on my phone too. I like how he starts the song, its so cheerful…

0 thoughts on “The sun’s in my heart, I walk down the lane with a happy refrain…”

  1. yes karen ! what an amazing person you are ! Light that lies deep inside of me Come forth in all thy majesty !Show me thy gaze!Teach me thy ways
    !That I a better person may be

  2. Beth, nice to see you here. Hugs to you too :o)

    Sandhya, that's when I started like Jude Law too, after 'The Holiday'.

    Saj, sarcasm will get you no where. That sounded like a gospel song though…

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