
Walking into the sunlight…

So I am standing there in line at the doctor’s office, cursing everyone and glancing at my watch for the upteenth time, I hate waiting… I have no patience whatsoever. Anyway I am standing there and muttering to myself, when the guy in front of me turns back and smiles. He’s a young boy, 20 something with a friendly grin and a pleasing nature, he starts talking and tells me that he has to undergo an operation and hopes that everything turns out alright. After a few minutes his turn arrives and he enters the doctor’s office, leaving me out in the hallway. I stand there no longer impatient but wondering bout the affable young man and how he changed my mood with his outgoing nature. He comes out smiling and takes his leave with a wave of his hand, that’s the last I see of him as I enter the doctor’s room. After being examined the doc conludes that its a minor infection, writes down a few tablets and tells me to visit again in two days. Two days later I am back and fully cured and as I turn to leave I remember the young guy and turn to ask the doc about him. The doc shakes his head and says, “He didn’t make it, he died yesterday during surgery.” I flash back to that day when he walked away with a friendly smile and a wave of his hand… he seems to be walking into the sunlight now, and that’s when I woke up.

I had this dream a few days back and since then I haven’t been able to forget it, I wonder what it means…

0 thoughts on “Walking into the sunlight…”

  1. I would have been in tears if it hadn't turned out to be a dream. It sounds very real – in proper sequence, also has a deep ending. That's so unlike a normal dream. But anyways, mom says, if you dream of someone dying, it actually signals the prospect of good things(mostly a wedding) in real life. Someone in line to the altar? 🙂

  2. Zak, nice and relevant…
    Raina, Tina I woke up feeling sad, it was that real…
    Sandhya, its so nice to hear you saying that it means a wedding, I was wondering/worrying bout it…
    Jude, it takes one to know one…

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