
Wash your hands and say your prayers…

So it’s yet another Independence day and the feeling of nonchalance continues… isn’t that worrisome. I would like to feel pride, love, hope and comfort for our nation, but how do you feel all that when you step outside the house and encounter shabby roads and pavements overflowing with garbage, jackasses urinating whenever and wherever, all the filth that clogs the road when it rains or when nauseating drainage starts seeping through man holes, the maddening vehicles and motorists that seem to operate on some high end vendetta against each other… it’s as though we live in a cloud of apathy. Reminds me of District 9 (the movie, where an alien race comes to earth and they are pathetic prawn like creatures, they end up living in slum dwellings as refugees), we are kinda pathetic like them. Why else would we allow our nation to rot… I just wish there was a place like Azkaban where we could dump all these roadside urinaters, the insane people who drive/ride like they’re on steroids and all the betel leaf chewers who intentionally spit on walls, doors, trains, corridors, everywhere except the ground, and those who insist on littering. A clean and beautiful country will eventually manifest clean and beautiful souls… I know, seems highly improbable but don’t you have to first clean the filth on the surface to dig deeper and uncover the malaise that plagues our society. It is pretty ironic that in a country as ours, steeped in mysticism and many religions, we have this culture of uncleanliness that goes against everything we learn about Godliness being next to cleanliness. So let’s hope Iceland invades us (apparently that is the cleanest country in the world) and sets up a clean and self preserving system here or let’s pray for someone like Dom Cobb (Leaonardo’s character in Inception) who can plant the idea of cleanliness in the collective sub-conscience of our nation.
Or we could all just follow this funny saying… and by washing of hands, I mean the washing off of all the filth we do which maims our society and keeps us from achieving our true potential. Washing off all the habits that make us a bad nation, and live a meaningful life in God… after all He created us and gave us this earth. That’s the least we could do.

0 thoughts on “Wash your hands and say your prayers…”

  1. India is trying its best managing its huge population. Maybe things would be better if it was less populated, but then that would not be India. I am an Indian and am proud to be an Indian.

  2. Hmm!! I kinda used to have this OCD about washing hands frequently, everytime i touched/shook someone's hands, i would be imagining in my mind the millions of germs transmitted from them to me and i would feel kinda unclean without washing hands…it got cured when one of my girlfriends gave me a feedback after a movie that my phobia towards bodily contact made the old man seated on the other side of her in the movie theatre a very happy man ad he took advantage of the darkness to do all the things that i should have been doing but didnt due to my distaste for any touching…i resolved to turn over a new leaf that day and have now conquerrd my fear of others germs.i only wash my hands maybe half-a-dozen times a day now…

  3. Stella, it's easy to say all that when you live in a clean place with no pollution… that is how I felt when I was living there. The quality of life in the city sucks when compared to that sleepy hamlet…

    Yeah Susan, we have to improve as a race…

    Haddock, 🙂 glad to find someone who agrees…

    Ganesh, I think that is the best phobia a doctor could have… so try getting it back doc.

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