Who are we Glorifying?


     The dawn of another year and there’s so much happening in the world, what with the bush fires in Australia, the CAA/NRC protests in India, the Trump and Iran situation; it is good that we stay updated and take an interest in world affairs, that’s probably all we can do. We cannot influence such events that take place on a global scale, but we sure can work on the smaller issues that relate directly to us. The other day, I was taking a walk in my locality during the first week of January and I came across a rather sorry sight. My locality is usually clean and people do not throw rubbish everywhere, so I was taken back when I saw a pile of discarded sticks and wild grass (used to construct a Christmas crib) along with a few plastic Christmas stars lying on the road. What a harsh sight it was, a reminder that Christmas was over, and thus all the things that made it a beautiful season have to be dumped right on the road.

     How can we celebrate a festival one week, and in the next week dirty up the place? What does it say about us, our faith and our beliefs? Didn’t God create the world we tread upon, isn’t that holy too? How are plastic stars going to help the environment if we buy them and discard them without resuing? I don’ know. Our church festival will be coming up next month and a day before the festival, there are volunteers who go out and clean the area where the procession takes place. And during the procession, people drink water from small plastic packets and drop the packets right on the road, children with snacks throw the wrappers on the road, and I can’t figure out how this brings Glory to any deity or religion. In fact it is quite painful that the faith and devotion the people have towards Mother Mary is not reflected in actions.

     Isn’t cleanliness right next to Godliness, something we all learn in school, yet it never reaches deep enough. Of course, it’s a new year and I can write random feel good stories to bring in hope and joy but these qualities already reside deep within us. If we live surface level unconscious lives then are we really alive? We’ve to go deep to uncover the potential in each one of us, then life will be bliss. This year let us go deeper into livingnesss, live conscious lives and realise that by doing our best, we bring glory to God who created us. I think that’s what makes sense instead of all the loud praises, processions, adoration, festivity and rituals. If we really want to bring glory to God, then we should strive to be better human beings.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” — Marcel Proust

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