
Who the HECK is……..

DON’T bring it closer!! Fu*K OFF Man! Put it down, Put it down! Hey….. FU*K You!

This was what the kid on the cycle was telling the other kid who was dangling a chubby worm from one end of a stick.

Sunday mass just got over and I was waiting for Tonio to start his bike and bring it around when I saw these two boys, probably no more than 12 years old. One of them had a fascinated expression on his face as he stooped to pick up a chubby wriggling worm with one end of a stick. He turned to show it to his friend and this was when the boy on the bicycle started acting like a profane mouthing baby. I wanted to walk up to him and knock some sense into his head and tell him not to use the F word. He’s only TWELVE…. that word should not even be part of his vocabulary. But the people who really deserve a whack on the head are his parents. What kind of parents think it is okay for their son to use such profane language…..

Even I didn’t know that word when I was 12, I heard it for the first time when I was 15 in a song called “Who the heck is Alice?”. I was at this relatives wedding in Bombay and everybody was dancing and singing and when the chorus came they would all shout together singing “who the fu*k is Alice…” And I was like why are they singing it all wrong. I vaguely remember Megha telling me that she had heard this word often too and that it means something big. So we decided to ask her dad since he knows almost all the English words out there (he reads a lot). Anyway, we did ask him and he shook his head & rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything.

I think I looked the word up in a dictionary later on, when I came across it in a Sidney Sheldon book. Okay all that aside, how is it going to be for our children… how soon are they gonna figure out things and how are we going to take it….

Oh,well….. all in good time.

0 thoughts on “Who the HECK is……..”

  1. “DON’T bring it closer!! Fu*K OFF Man! Put it down, Put it down! Hey….. FU*K You!”……was this really said in English or was it in Tamil and u translated it here? i wonder how u say f*ck u in tamil.

    i remember the wedding kavi but i don’t remember asking my dad.hahahahaha….i also remember singing only that line all the way home after the wedding even though i didn’t know what it meant….those were innocent, fun times!!! 😀

  2. Ha.. But every language has its dosage of profanity.. My arbit theory is that, the sooner children know to use it, the sooner they ll get bored of it and there is a higher probability of them not using it in the future… 🙂

  3. Megh’s you never cease to amaze me. Those kids were speaking english, it was after the english mass. Oh megh’s we did ask your dad… it was so funny. He didn’t want to laugh…

    And Ryan, all kids don’t start playing with guns like you did.

    Appletini, that’s sad huh… just three.

    Sirpy, what you say makes sense alright. But the point is to make them know that they should not use it. I mean you come across profanity everywhere, but its not necessary to resort to it.

  4. when i was younger i wasn’t supposed to use words like damn, shit, bloody etc. which was funny cause how else would i tell my parents that i wanted to use the loo to sh*t? and how else would i tell say that something was bloody from having too much blood all over it?

  5. Who the heck is Alice it seems :p

    And twelve year olds in my school used to talk like that, actually worse, in Tamil… Sajeeve for example.

  6. oooh how you are sooo innocent kavidey! I believe you ! You actually thought the little kid peeing on the roadside was playing with a worm ! that is heights of innocence! look at how you have innocent ryan thinkkking now !!!

    Ryan dont be shocked ! it was a real worm !!!!

    Jude – dont tarnish my Saintly image

    Megs – u were never ever innocent ! u taught me all the profane words in my life ! it started when I was 7 years old,when u were born !

  7. sajeeve after all these years, you finally posted a relevant comment and… I am not sure I understand it.

    Jude, you were damn right about Saj. While writing this post, I knew saj’s kids were gonna turn out like that… and that time I won’t hold myself back from knocking some sense into their heads. Why should they turn out like their dad???

  8. Word, so fancied by youngsters these days. And why not when we have cricketers like Shreeshant using it so often and shown upclose with nothing done to condemn it by the authorities. Kids might think that’s something to be said when you feel victorious !

  9. Sandhya, children receive lots of wrong ideas from lots of people, but isn’t it the parents duty to teach right from wrong…

    Gitu, ha ha… I don’t think anybody uses that word in our place.

    Jude and Saj, how entertaining 🙂

  10. ok, like i said, i wasnt allowed to swear in front of my parents. but that didn’t stop me using it when they weren’t around. most often, parents don’t know that their children are using such profanity. its more to do with peer pressure, media, etc.

  11. Shadow, thanks for the comment on my blog, I am glad that you enjoyed the pictures and stories. I am flattered that you would like to link to mine, but I would rather keep that list to friends and family. Thank you for asking, though! Have fun blogging!

  12. I knew there would be a few dozen replies to this post! 🙂 well, kids younger and younger use this word so much that I think we should just decide that this word means nothing. It’s ridiculous. We should invent a new word equivalent to the old “F*uk. what say you?

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