Year end transition, 2021 giving way to 2022

Here’s a video of the last week of 2021, it was quite eventful. My brother got bit (bit is an understatement) by the demon possessed dog at home and that was crazy. Then his birthday came around followed by New year’s eve and I got into a baking frenzy. Made tiramisu, chocolate mousse, orange mousse, oats chocolate cake and orange almond cake and everything came out great. Then went to the beach to keep up our tradition of watching the last sunset of the year at one of the pristine beaches that dot my hometown. The long bike ride near the sea coast was beautiful; that sense of being one with the wind is soothing and liberating. We went searching for a secret beach (couldn’t locate it, will search for it again), then ended up at the harbour, played in the water, watched the sunset and lit a few fireworks. Then rode out again to check out a newly frescoed church, then rode back home and got ready for the midnight mass. Sat outside this time and that made all the difference; sitting under the stars and feeling the nip in gentle night breeze was magical and more profound than any (screechy) sermon or platitude from the pulpit.

White pigeons were released in church, wine was distributed after the midnight mass and the gang came home for cake and just like that magic filled our being. There’s something about my hometown during this season; even if you’re a bit down and dealing with low energy stuff, the lights and stars dangling everywhere creates a happy environment, and you end up being grateful for the real fireworks in life – friends and family (near and far) who keep us wonderfully alive. That’s pretty much what I wish for all of you reading this blog, that you remain safe, healthy and magically alive.

2 thoughts on “Year end transition, 2021 giving way to 2022”

  1. Hamilton G George

    Tuning in to the frequency of nature
    Siphons you into a magical spell
    Which you don’t enjoy from anyone, anywhere.
    Great sharing.

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