
Yvoire and Nyon…

Continued from the previous post, so after lunch we continued exploring Yvoire…
 This place is such a haven for people who love to walk around and get lost in the beauty of ancient stone houses shrouded in vibrant hues of flowering plants…
 Flowers everywhere… 
 The tourist office, every city or village in Europe seems to have offices like this for tourists, where one can just walk in and ask for maps or directions or recommendations for food. I collected so many maps and leaflets, along with a few pebbles, autumn leaves, ticket stubs… for memories. 
Walking another path from church… 
 The church steeple and lake lehman… 
 Picture perfect… 
 A bride arrived while we were walking around… me and Nam tried catching sight of the bridegroom… but we just couldn’t find him, so we lost interest and continued walking… 
How quaint…
 Imagine having a place like this to unwind, imagine sitting on that bench under that tree with a book… reading and lazily watching life go by. 
 Nice dash of colour… 
 The road on the other side of the village… 
 A part of the fortification built in the early fourteenth century…  
 The day was really beautiful… the skies were constantly beaming down on us, bathing the land below in warm sunshine and the land below was reciprocating by brimming with colour. 
 This is the other side of the fort, we saw in the previous post. We walked all around the little village and came to the other side of it… where we saw a plaque that read: 
Nernier Gateway: Built early in the 14th century, at the same time as the battlements and the castle, by Amédée V. At that time a bridge crossed the ditch that surrounded the village. The entrance to the latter was closed at the front with double gates and at the back by a portcullis. You can see the gates’ hinges and the grooves where the portcullis used to slide. The level of the old road was roughly 2m10 above the level now. During the wars of religion in the 16th century, the battlements were partly destroyed. There are still 6 merlons 50 meters to the right. Gate classified as a “Historical Monument”. 
 Cute door…
 The castle of Yvoire, this is a private property and people aren’t allowed to look around.  
 How cute is this house… I wonder if lizards appear in houses like this…
 Ah, this place is laden with beauty… even in the most simplest of things, like this pretty pot stand.  
The castle of Yvoire… wonder who lives there… 
This is the garden of five senses, where a variety of plants are grown in separate sections, there are flowers to smell, different kinds of leaves to feel, edible plants and fruits to eat, different leaves and plants to see, and fountains and chirping of birds to hear…
 Here is a small fountain with trickling water…
 A stream flowing over pebbles… this is the garden of hearing.
 An informational room, where documents about the five senses corresponding to the garden is screened… 
 So after a delightful trip we set sail back to Nyon… 
 As usual, all the elements of the sky were fascinating… 
 Nearing Switzerland… 
 Docking at Nyon… 
 On the way to the station, we came across one of the cutest churches I’ve seen… with the castle of Nyon towering over it.  
 The incredibly simple and beautiful interior… this is the kind of church I really like, not the opulent grandiose ones where the extravagant beauty of the place can be distracting, a church should be serene like this, enabling you to reflect and pray not be awed by the structure you are in.
View from the church… 
 Europe has lots of castles… this is the castle of Nyon, it now houses some exhibitions… 
 View from the Nyon castle…    
 Pretty windows in Nyon… 
 Some fair was going on… people were dancing and having a great time.
And almost everyone was drinking beer… seemed like a nice laid back way to spend the weekend. 
 Pretty lace curtains… 
We stopped to shop at this store that had some pretty ceiling lights… 
And after this we headed back home… content, happy, and blessed to enjoy a day like this… 

0 thoughts on “Yvoire and Nyon…”

  1. Wonderful pictures.
    Europe is really pretty. You point your camera anywhere and you get lovely pics. They know how to preserve and showcase their world to the tourists.

  2. Merlesworld, this is a pretty place… less people on a small hilly terrain and the river gurgling on soothingly.

    Chris, thanks for stopping by….

    Haddock, yeah… true… makes you wish and sigh and wonder why we can't be like that…

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